Sunday, December 2, 2012

Purchase Order Letter

Purchase Order Letter is a document that confirms to the seller that the customer in a specified time frame requires a particular quantity of the product. Nowadays one company to the other confirming the order, which is generally a bulk order, writes Purchase Order Letters or it is written by an individual to a company again in the case of placing a bulk order.

Today’s times of multiple companies available for all products, there is some amount of trust in the customer and even a verbal confirmation of an order is acceptable. But most of the times it is only against some advance.

The letter states the types of goods required with sufficient details for the supplying company to fulfill the order. Terms and conditions 

Order Referral to Local Dealer

order refferal to local dealer, order letter samples

Order Referral to Local Dealer

Dear Sir,

Your purchase order, number was referred to my
office. Your choice of the (model and number) is a
wise and tasteful decision. We, however, market our
products through appointed dealers, so as to insure
uniformity of service and constant local representation.

The name of the local dealer in your area is (dealer).
Your order has been referred to his good offices.

Thank you for choosing our product. If we may be of any
help in the future, please contact this office.

Order Letter Sample

order letter sample, sample order letter, picture order letter sample

Order Letter Sample

Mancini Kitchen Equipment
Troy D. Mancini
4220 Straford Park
Harold, KY 41635

Dear Mr. Mancini,
We would like to purchase twenty two (22) individual stand mixers (Model #43423), all in the color red.
 We would like you to charge this purchase to the preexisting account that we have with you, business account #543234.

We hope to receive this order no later than Friday, November 11th, 2009. Attached to this letter please find our preferred shipping method and receiving address.
Please confirm that you received this order by calling us at 232-231-4563 anytime during business hours, Monday to Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation

Keller Kitchen Co.

Work Order Letter

Work Order Letter 

To Mr Fredrich Noal.

Interunion Park.

Respected Mr Frederich Noah,


This email is confirming to you that the unit has been selected as the perfect construction company for the project in Paris. The apartment has been right choice for future 

You will be paid total sum of $ 10000 for the same and the other charges shall be discussed with you later in personal meeting which is will be held on 10 March 2010. Please be present to discuss to the other details at  08.00 A.m.  

Look forward to hearing with you.

Thomas Hunt.

Purchase Order Letter

purcahse order letter sample, order letter sample, purchase order letter template

{Your company’s address / letterhead}


Dear {Contact Name},

We would like to order the following office supplies from you today:

{Make a list of the items you request, along with specific requirements for each if applicable. List all prices next to the items in question, and be sure to state what quantity you need of each}.

The order total is {amount}, and we will be paying you immediately via {method}. Please ship our items within {number} days via {shipping method}. We will also be paying you {amount} to cover the cost of shipping via {carrier method}.

{List further instructions here if you have them.}

Please give me a call if you have any questions. Thanks for your cooperation.


{Phone number and extensio